
Atlantis Rising Magazine - 89 September/October 2011【電子書籍】





<p>In This Issue:<br /> Early Rays</p> <p>Jeane Manning</p> <p>Michael Cremo: What Do We Really Know About Ancient Giants?</p> <p>The Enigma of the Carpathain Sphinx: Following the Neanderthal Trail in Eastern Europe</p> <p>Mitterrand’s Monuments: Esoteric Architecture Still Lives</p> <p>Frederic W.H. Myers: Psychology’s Forgotten Man</p> <p>Roerich and Tibet: Traveling the Road to Shambhala</p> <p>Legend of the Three Marys: There’s More to the Story than Dan Brown Told Us</p> <p>Gods of the Runes: Is There Power in Ancient Letters?</p> <p>Out-of-Body Experiences</p> <p>Ancient Astronauts or Guiding Spirit? The Mysterious Origins of Ancient Technology</p> <p>Nuclear Meltdown and Time Dilation: Did Japan’s Tragedy Modify Space-Time?</p> <p>Atlantis and the Stars Should the Search Be Directed Upward?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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